
Showing posts from February, 2021

Steve Jobs: Walter Issacson

Two things about the book.   1. It was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong book. Took more than a month to complete it. I dont remember even half of it now.  2. This book is shit. But after a week I will come and say, this was the best book in the world. Rishabh

Part 3: Domain | English | The effects of social media on our lives

For intro, read intro from  part1 . Read series here. Flow      Domain Explained-----Effects on individual-----Effects on businesses-------Conclusions  Domain: the impact on reachability. Domain, if mathematically defined is the value of input which we can supply to a function such that defined output could be obtained. When we talk about domain in general, it implies to the number of opportunities you can gather in order to hope for a meaningful return. At personal scale.  If we think about it. This means, how many people I can hope to connect meaningfully. At a business scale : it defines the number of potential clients a company can have; the number of domain points point from where a revenue can be generated. As we are now connected to one another without any barrier on the distance. If you can make a friend in Seoul, South Korea, then definitely a business can also sell to a person in South Korea as well. The probable places where you can show up ...

Part 2: Privacy | Effects of social media on our lives: a detailed analysis

Continuation of part 1 , Read series here . If you ask about  security  of the conversation. It is a different matter altogether. The security issue with conversation was always present. If you wanted to hack into middle of a dialog, Medium has always been the weakest point to crack. This was the reason cryptography was invented in the first place. To get along with chat without the interference of others. Medium regretfully, it is vulnerable point as well. It was always the race between the cryptographers and crypto analysts to beat another. To breach another’s territory, hence grabbing information. Now just it has changed the form and one more key has been added as well. Hackers are trying to breech your systems and the engineers at the medium (Facebook, insta, twitter you get the gist.)    are trying to shoo them away. When the internet has just started in 1990s. It was easy to get into someone’s personal life easily if you know some tweaks here and there. But as ...